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Poplabs Incubator!

This is a fantastic initiative that we're involved with. Our Storytelling info session is on Fri 11th Sep 2020, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm AEST. Tickets are free, but you need to book here

An incubator for creative businesses using storytelling to drive social impact.

Poplabs is a first-of-its-kind creative incubator designed to build and support a growing ecosystem of purpose-led creative businesses using storytelling to drive change.

Their mission is to contribute to building a more diverse and inclusive Australian storytelling industry with a global standard of expertise.

Poplabs is an intensive incubator for new or early stage creative businesses using storytelling to drive social impact.

Participants will gain the business knowledge, connections and tools to develop their first impact-driven storytelling product and grow their venture into a sustainable business for good.

The selected businesses will participate in a mix of:

  • Intensive workshops with industry leaders

  • Programmed sessions from keynote speakers

  • Mentorship to develop their business and first saleable project

The cohort will also gain the opportunity to access local and international markets through a number of strategic partnerships.

We're talking about the importance of Storytelling - something we can talk about for HOURS! So come join us and find out more about Poplabs and whether you should get involved.

Our info session is on Fri 11th Sep 2020, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm AEST. Tickets are free, but you need to book here


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